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The Foundation Pouring for the First Wind Turbine of the 215MW Wind Power Plant Project in Luopingxi, Yunnan, China was Completed

Date:2023-03-30   Fonts:[ Big Middle Small ]

Recently, the Phase II Project of the Zhuzishan Area of Yunnan Luopingxi 215 MW Wind Farm completed the foundation pouring of the first wind turbine in the first bid section, and the main project was officially under the substantive construction.

It's a major project in Yunnan Province, with a total planned installed capacity of 215MW, including a total of 38 5.6MW wind turbines. The Company is responsible for the construction of 21 wind turbine units in the first bid section. The remote construction site has changeable climate and complex terrain and is composed of scattered construction locations. The amount of single reinforcement required for the wind turbine foundation pouring reaches 105 tonnes, and the concrete pouring amount reaches 895 cubic meters. The access road for equipment and materials transportation is winding, with high safety risks and great construction difficulties. After 16 consecutive hours of work, all the project personnel successfully completed the construction task of pouring the foundation of the wind turbine with a diameter of 21.2 meters and a depth of 4.2 meters.

After the project is completed and put into operation, it's estimated that the annual on-grid power consumption will reach 510 million kWh, and the annual utilization hours will reach 2,521. Saving 165,600 tonnes of standard coal and reducing 454,300 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year, it'll boast its significant economic, environmental and social benefits.

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