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Bangladesh Branch Held the 2023 Work Conference

Date:2023-03-30   Fonts:[ Big Middle Small ]

Recently, the Bangladesh Branch held the 2023 Work Conference in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Chen Zhimin, Deputy General Manager of the Company, attended the conference, with a total of 32 participants, including the main heads of relevant domestic departments and units, the leading group of the Bangladesh Branch, representatives of all departments and project leaders of all the uncompleted projects.

At the conference, relevant personnel conveyed the spirit of the 2023 Work Conference of the Group Company, Shanghai Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. and the Company, as well as the spirit of the 2023 Safety Production Work Conference of the Company, fully reviewed and summarized the work of the Bangladesh Branch in 2022 and planned the work focus and direction of the Branch in 2023.

Chen Zhimin put that the whole staff should grasp the central task of achieving high-quality development firmly, strengthen and consolidate the core competitiveness of the Branch in the Bangladesh power transmission and transformation market continuously and promote three key tasks solidly in 2023: first, in terms of business models, they should draw upon all useful opinions, explore and innovate new models constantly, adjust business objectives and strategies promptly and continue to seize market opportunities to accelerate the formation of business efficiency advantages. Second, they should intensify localized management, improve refined management, consolidate the foundation of high-quality development, enhance project implementation ability ceaselessly and improve project management level continuously. Third, they should value talent cultivation, strengthen talent team construction, vigorously cultivate and tap talents, create a high-quality and professional project management team and empower the Company's sustainable development.

At the conference, representatives of the leading group of the Bangladesh Branch presented the 2022 Work Report, the Market Development Work Report and the Special Reports on the Bangladesh GtoG Project and Cox's Bazar Wind Power Project to all the people present, and signed the 2023 Business Responsibility Statement.

At the conference, the whole staff of the Branch was required to seriously study and understand the spirit of the superior meeting, comprehensively implement it in combination with specific work and pool their strength to fully complete the annual work tasks.

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